Our Approach

Our approach is not radical or new.

The Montessori method and practice is over 100-years old. Dr. Montessori was lightyears before her time, and consistently her methods and results are scientifically supported. This is amazing! Sociodramatic play ignites higher order thinking and is invaluable to the whole of the child. Positive discipline is never harsh or unkind, it has limits, and it treats everyone involved with compassion, respect, and teaches boundaries are love.

Our programs interweave as beautifully as a lovely tapestry. It is balanced and perfectly seasoned with quiet spirits, peaceful hearts, and thinking minds. Our methods are science-based and fluid as more research is known.

Our love for children and people is boundless.

children hands in colors. Summer photo. Selective focus.

Our hope is eternal. Our beliefs are simple. We believe that all children are valuable to society and have a place to contribute to society’s good. We believe that giving a child the tools to live makes them more secure, thriving, and resilient people.

We believe that developmental stages in all areas of life mean that opportune times create concrete and stable foundations. We believe children need to learn to play, share, speak respectfully about what they think and ask for what they need. We believe that exposure and mastery to reading, writing, math, science, art, practical skills, and a well-rounded variety of other experiences are fundamental to life-long learning.

We believe in letting children dream big, and we support their efforts within natural limits. We ask each of you to do the same. We believe childhood is the time to experiment and learn universal truths. We believe in empathy, compassion, caring, respect, and inclusion. We believe that enabling children to learn the basics of critical thinking, teamwork, and the power of thinking on one’s own makes them more committed to their values.

We believe we are all guides and that each of us teaches the other something, either positively or negatively. We believe that the safety, security, and protection of each child is more than physical. We believe in science.

We believe in community and being good citizens. We believe in relationships that nourish each other and includes every one of us.

We believe in positive discipline, and learning is both self-correcting and has natural consequences. We believe in each child’s ability to change the world. We believe that Montessori is for every child, but that every child is not for Montessori.

Does this program sound perfect for you and your child? We would love to meet you.

Please schedule your appointment today.