Toddler Program

Children are ready for the Toddler’s program when they are 12-months old, walk independently, are no longer taking a bottle, and take one nap a day.
At iExplore, the Toddler’s teachers create beautiful sensory-rich prepared-environments with open spaces and smaller class-sizes for each child to safely toddleradapt, explore, and gain confidence through repetition, socialization skills, and healthy bonding and attachments with their peers and teachers.

Toddlers use and develop their large muscles when they crawl, balance themselves, and walk. They use their smaller muscles to touch, reach, and grasp everything within reach.
They learn to play inside, outside, and learn the art of taking turns with their peers. Certified and trained teachers observe the child’s developmental stages and recognize when they are entering into their “sensitive periods,” which Dr. Montessori recognized as a time when learning in specific areas is more optimal than at other times.

There is no better time to toilet train your child than now. Eighteen months is the apt age to start the process. We encourage your child in the potty-training process,

where our teachers look for signs for toileting readiness and will motivate your child to use the potty at the right time.

Our teachers carefully select and introduce materials, like books, objects, pictures, and activities, like learning to say sounds, recognizing letters by feeling them, sorting like items, and setting a table that complements and intersects with each child’s graduated abilities and interests.

iExplore provides nutritious meals and snacks, helps the child explore and develop body skills through active and fun-filled activities. Parents receive daily reports from the teacher about their child’s activities.

Does this school sound perfect for you and your child? We would love to meet you.
Please schedule your appointment today.